What is my CWID?
Your Campus-Wide ID (CWID) and PIN are your key to becoming a Montclair State student. These were assigned to you when you were accepted to the University. You will find your CWID and PIN in your acceptance letter. If you misplace your CWID and PIN, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at(973) 655-4444 or msuadm@mail.montclair.edu for assistance.
What is a University NetID?
An University NetID is your unique electronic identity that gives you access to a growing number of online services at the University. Your University NetID is based on your last name plus one or more characters from your first name. Students NetIDs will also have a number at the end. Here are a few examples:
Student Frank Smith will have a NetID of smithf4, Student Kathy Lincoln will have a NetID of lincolnk1, Faculty/Staff member Jane Cooper will have a NetID of cooperj
Each University NetID has an associated password, so when accessing Montclair State University’s resources using your NetID you will also be required to enter your password.
How do I get an University NetID if I don't already have one?
The NetID management form at https://netid.montclair.edu can be used to activate and maintain your University NetID. If you don't have an active University NetID, then the first time you use the management form it will walk you through the steps required for activation. During the NetID creation process, you will be asked if your personal information is correct. If it is not, DO NOT PROCEED WITH CREATING YOUR ACCOUNT!
Faculty and staff should Contact Human Resources to have their personal information corrected. Students should contact the Registrar. Once the information has been corrected, you may return to the NetID form and activate your University NetID.
Please note that in order to activate your University NetID you will need to enter your Campus Wide ID Number and PIN. If you do not know your PIN you will need to contact Human Resources (faculty/staff) and or the Registrar office (students) to obtain/reset your PIN information.